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Because You're Blind

De : Rebecca Meadows
Lu par : Jennifer Fischer
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In 1989, at the tender age of 12 years old, Ms. Meadows awoke from a coma to find herself suddenly struck blind and severely brain injured. This greatly complicated her young life.

When she was yet a minor child, her mother sued the doctor who caused this tragedy. This ultimately made Ms. Meadows' situation more desperate than ever.

After the settlement; Ms. Meadows' parents continued to deny her treatment for her injuries. As a result, her life went off the rails in a huge way.

As Ms. Meadows grew up and began to become her own person, her parents dragged her into court, stripping her of her constitutional rights in an effort to protect the money they sued for.

Their complete lack of concern for their daughter’s humanity wound up driving an insurmountable wedge between Ms. Meadows and her four parents.

This book is Ms. Meadows' firsthand account of how she and her family were forced to fight a corrupt legal system in the state of Montana for many years in order to achieve their escape from the abusive guardianship her parents locked her down under when she was young.

Ms. Meadows wishes to teach the world that sometimes in life, blindness is quite literally in the eye of the beholder.

Essentially, you’re only as blind as you believe yourself to be.

Ms. Meadows has learned that it is precisely because she is blind that she is perfect to walk this path she has been assigned.

©2020 Rebecca Stewart (P)2020 Rebecca Stewart
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