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Couverture de Beauty and the Brain

Beauty and the Brain

De : Robert Thatcher
Lu par : Shawn Stutts
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    About the Book
    Beauty and the Brain: The Aesthetic Compass NeuroAesthetics: Where Consciousness and the Physics of the Universe Meet explores how we as a society perceive beauty. This fascinating book provides an explanation of how aesthetic appreciation occurs by a match of the structure of the brain and external forms. It also describes the brain mechanisms by which humans perceive beauty and how the logarithmic spiral form common in the universe is the same form inside the human brain. The listener will learn deep truths about how humans perceive beauty by sharing certain fundamental logarithmic spiral brain maps and logarithmic spiral forms external to the brain, such as Hurricanes, Galaxies and Snail Shells.

    About the Author
    Dr. Robert W. Thatcher earned a B.S. degree in chemistry and a Ph.D. in Psychology with a major in Biopsychology. He is a world-renowned Neuroscientist and has published over 200 scientific papers and eight books. He is the recipient of numerous rewards such as: The Hans Berger Award of Merit, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Neurofeedback Division; Lifetime Achievement Award in EEG and Quantitative EEG, International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, and the year 2000 Pioneer in Medicine Award, Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. He is currently the founder and CEO of Applied Neuroscience, Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida.

    ©2023 Robert W Thatcher (P)2024 Robert W Thatcher

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