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  • Beast of the North Woods

  • A Monster Hunter Mystery, Book 3
  • De : Annelise Ryan
  • Durée : 10 h et 30 min

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Beast of the North Woods

De : Annelise Ryan
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    When a local fisherman is mauled to death, it seems like the only possible cause is a mythical creature in the latest puzzling entry in this USA Today bestselling series.

    An ice fisherman is savagely mauled to death in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, and an eyewitness claims the man was attacked by a hodag. There's just one problem with that: it's well known that the creature is not real and was created by a local hoaxer. So how could an imaginary creature be chomping on local sportsmen?

    The suggestion that a hodag killed someone isn’t well received by the townsfolk because of its beloved ties to the town and the money it generates from tourist dollars. Due to this, people begin to suspect the witness is the real killer, especially when it’s discovered he has a tangled past with the victim.

    The witness to the attack happens to be the nephew of Morgan Carter’s bookstore employee, Rita Bosworth, who convinces the professional cryptozoologist to travel to Wisconsin to prove that a hodag not only exists but killed the victim.

    Clues may be hard to come by, but one thing's for sure: something killed that man, and that something now has its eyes focused on Morgan.

    ©2025 Annelise Ryan (P)2025 Penguin Audio

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