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Couverture de Beam, Straight Up

Beam, Straight Up

De : Fred Noe, Jim Kokoris
Lu par : Nick Sullivan
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    An insider's look at the Jim Beam brand, from a seventh-generation master distiller

    Written by the seventh-generation Beam family member and master distiller Frederick Booker Noe III, Beam, Straight Up is the first audiobook by a Beam, the family behind the 217-year whiskey dynasty and makers of one of the world's best-selling bourbons. This audiobook features family history and the evolution of bourbon, including Fred's storied youth "growing up Beam" in Bardstown, Kentucky; his transition from the bottling line to renowned global bourbon ambassador; and his valuable business insights on how to maintain and grow a revered brand. 

    • Includes details of Fred Noe's life on the road, spreading the bourbon gospel.
    • Describes Fred's journey to becoming the face of one of America's most iconic brands.
    • Shares a simple primer on how bourbon is made.
    • Offers cocktail and food recipes.

    For anyone wanting a behind the scenes look at Jim Beam and an understanding of the bourbon industry, Beam, Straight Up will detail the family business,and its role in helping to shape it. 

    ©2012 Jim Beam Brands Co (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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