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  • Be Strong and Courageous

  • Standing Firm in an Age of Anger, Instability, and Exhaustion
  • De : Max Lucado
  • Durée : 7 h

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Be Strong and Courageous

De : Max Lucado
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    Be Strong and Courageous: Standing Firm in an Age of Anger, Instability, and Exhaustion

    Does a day without difficult news seem out of reach? Does this world seem topsy turvy at best, toxic at worst? Max Lucado’s signature storytelling and biblical insights provide strength and encouragement amid the current chaos.

    In Be Strong and Courageous, today's headlines and the truth of Scripture intersect in compelling fashion. Max offers a fresh look at the story of Elijah the prophet, showing listeners how they can stand firm day by day in the face of turbulent times, regardless of the challenging circumstances they may face.

    In today’s world, we see echoes of those unsettled, contentious times Elijah endured. Radical departures from long-held truths are taking center stage. Change is evident everywhere we look—in homes, churches, schools, government, the workplace. We often feel as if we’re swimming upstream in a downstream world. Yet the story of Elijah urges us to have hope in the one true living God. Elijah’s unswerving hold onto hope fueled his courage, and it will do the same for us.

    If you need a field manual on how to stand strong during a time of spiritual drought and exhaustion, lean in, friends. Let Elijah’s story remind you to

    • wait for God in solitude and silence,
    • pray impossible prayers,
    • live with an expectation of divine disruption,
    • turn to God during emotional lows, and
    • understand the spiritual battles we fight.

    Elijah’s story will help calm your fears and guide your steps. Faith in our unchanging God stirs a force for living a renewed life of courage. With God’s help and following Elijah’s inspiring example, you will discover strength to ride the storm of this turbulent life and the courage to make a difference.

    ©2024 Max Lucado (P)2024 Thomas Nelson

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