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Couverture de Battles & Boards

Battles & Boards

De : Phill Akinwale
Lu par : James Jackson
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    In the cutthroat world of flooring design, one company stands at the brink of collapse. OakLine, once a beacon of innovation, is now teetering on the edge of oblivion. Its charismatic CEO, Silas Carter, is desperate, outmaneuvered, and running out of time.

    Enter the realm of corporate warfare, where rivals resort to sabotage, espionage, and underhanded tactics. CedarCorp, a merciless competitor, is closing in, ready to devour OakLine and claim its secrets. But all is not lost.

    A spark of genius, a fusion of art and artificial intelligence, gives OakLine a fighting chance. Silas and his team embark on a daring journey to revolutionize the very essence of flooring. The stakes are high, the battles fierce, and the quest for perfection becomes a race against time.

    From boardroom duels to technological marvels, from moral dilemmas to thrilling triumphs, "Battles & Boards: Silas Carter's Quest for the Artificial Floor" is a rollercoaster ride of emotion, intrigue, and innovation.

    Are you ready to walk the floor with Silas? Join the adventure, where floors come to life, dreams are woven in algorithms, and the battle for integrity is as gripping as the fight for survival.

    ©2023 Praizion Media (P)2023 Praizion Media

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