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Couverture de Battleground


De : Christopher Phillips
Lu par : Elliot Fitzpatrick
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    The essential guide to geopolitics in the modern Middle East

    The Middle East is in crisis. The shocking events of the war in Gaza have rocked the entire region. More than a decade ago, the Arab Spring had raised hopes of a new beginning but instead ushered in a series of civil wars, coups, and even harsher autocracies. Tensions were exacerbated by the meddling of outsiders, as regional and global powers sought to further their interests. The United States, for so long the dominant actor, had stepped back, leaving a vacuum behind it to be fought over.

    Christopher Phillips explores geopolitical rivalries in the region, and the major external powers vying for influence: Russia, China, the European Union, and the United States. Moving through ten key flashpoints, from Syria to Palestine, Phillips argues that the United States' overextension after the Cold War, and retreat in the 2010s, has imbalanced the region. Today, the Middle East remains blighted by conflicts of unprecedented violence and a post-American scramble for power—leaving its fate in the balance.

    ©2024 Christopher Phillips (P)2024 Tantor

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