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Couverture de Battle for the Kingdom

Battle for the Kingdom

De : Bradford Bates, Michael Anderle
Lu par : Sean William Doyle
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    "Is killing a God possible? It might be, but you'd have to be some kind of idiot to even consider such a thing. Me, I'd rather not risk the ramifications. I've got enough to worry about right here." -Lanky Larry before tossing the dice.

    Eternia was almost back to full strength, but the Duke was making her move to take over the kingdom for the Dark Goddess Vitaria. Now the Blue Dagger Society would have to fight on two fronts. They had to secure the kingdom before taking the fight to Vitaria.

    The Duke wasn't going to make things easy.

    So The Blue Dagger Society would level up their skills. Grind for the best loot in the game and polish their rotations until they are locked in and ready to go. With Eternia's help against Vitaria, they might just stand a chance.

    New skills, epic loot, individual quests, and a lot of group content. Buckle up, buttercup, because the final battle for the kingdom is underway. The only thing missing from this fight is you.

    ©2022 LMBPN® Publishing (P)2022 Tantor

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