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  • Basic Truths of Christianity

  • Beginner's Pocket Guide
  • De : Joseph Bily
  • Lu par : Graham Wolfe
  • Durée : 1 h et 26 min

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Basic Truths of Christianity

De : Joseph Bily
Lu par : Graham Wolfe
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    Embark on a transformative journey with "Basic Truths About Christianity," a heartfelt guide for those new to the Christian faith. This book invites you into a warm and intimate conversation, unraveling the profound mysteries and eternal promises of Christianity.

    Discover the boundless joy and peace from understanding the truth about eternity, starting when you accept Jesus. Embrace the reality of God's kingdom, here and now, as you learn to wield the divine authority granted to you through Christ's victory. Feel the comforting presence of God, always with you, even in your loneliest moments.

    Through vivid stories and personal reflections, explore the sacred responsibilities of discipleship, the liberating power of forgiveness, and the deep, unearned gift of righteousness. Understand the promise of heavenly rewards, the wisdom available to every believer, and the crucial difference between condemnation and conviction.

    "Basic Truths About Christianity" is not just a book; it's a companion for your spiritual journey, offering practical advice and profound insights to uplift and empower you. Dive into this book and find a friend in your walk of faith, guiding you toward a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.

    ©2024 Cherie Bily (P)2024 Cherie Bily

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