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Couverture de Bartok the Beagle

Bartok the Beagle

De : David Tobin
Lu par : Robert Woody
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    In the heart of a sprawling garden, amidst the vibrant colours of nature, lived a beagle like no other—Bartok. With floppy ears that danced in the breeze and a tail that wagged with unbridled excitement, Bartok was a beacon of charm and curiosity.

    His days were thrilling journeys, filled with excitement and wonder, as he explored every nook and cranny of his lush surroundings, his nose leading the way through each adventure. But Bartok's curiosity didn't stop at the blooms and butterflies; he was also a keen observer of the ever-changing weather, always ready for a new discovery.

    Join Bartok as he embarks on a journey of discovery, not just for fun, but to learn about the wonders of the natural world. He's on a mission to become the ultimate weather watcher, and he's inviting your child to learn with him.

    The Bartok the Beagle stories are designed to engage children aged 4 to 8. This age range is a guideline. The stories feature more complex words and ideas, which can be a fun way for older children to expand their vocabulary while enjoying Bartok's adventures.

    ©2024 David Tobin (P)2024 David Tobin
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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