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Couverture de Bare


De : Raina O'Dell
Lu par : Raina Odell
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    In "Bare," Raina O’Dell takes you on a journey that traverses many lifetimes all in one.

    She lays bare the realities of her life, from the highs of her success in business to the lows of divorce, illness, and bankruptcy. Yet, by moving through it all with fearless awareness, she discovers her truth, which she shares here with deep conviction: where we are today does not dictate where we’ll be tomorrow.

    As a seasoned life coach, Raina has spent over a decade guiding women in crafting a vision for their lives, helping them to increase productivity and infuse every moment with joy. But her wisdom isn’t just theoretical. It is deeply rooted in her own lived experiences.

    Through your own experience of reading "Bare," you will find Raina’s unique roadmap to resilience, self-discovery, and empowerment. Included are practical tools and heartfelt guidance to help you rewrite your own story and step into a life of purpose, passion, and boundless joy. This isn’t just a book. It is a lifeline for anyone who seeks to shed the weight of their past, embrace their authentic selves, and create a future filled with possibility.

    ©2024 Raina Odell (P)2024 Raina Odell

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