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  • Bankruptcy Didn't Break Me

  • How to Learn the Keys to Success to Increase Your Credit Scores
  • De : Kassondra R Lewis
  • Lu par : Leigh Ann Haga
  • Durée : 1 h et 2 min

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Bankruptcy Didn't Break Me

De : Kassondra R Lewis
Lu par : Leigh Ann Haga
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    Learn the Secrets to Surviving Bankruptcy and Boosting Your Credit Score

    Filing for bankruptcy or thinking about It? If so, listen to this book first!

    Bankruptcy Didn't Break Me! is your complete guide to rebuilding your life and credit after a bankruptcy, written by a 17-year finance expert who was once in your shoes.

    Bankruptcy can be overwhelming, stressful, and make you feel hopeless. This book was written to help navigate you through the bankruptcy process and help you recover quicker so you can start enjoying life again.

    Starting over is never easy - just ask the author Kassondra Lewis who went through her own painful bankruptcy journey and came out of it stronger than ever. Her story will help motivate and inspire you and remind you that bankruptcy is only a small bump in a very long financial road!

    Get Bankruptcy Didn't Break Me! today and learn:

    • How to put a plan together to ensure success after bankruptcy and recover much faster
    • Ways to boost your credit score immediately after declaring bankruptcy
    • How to qualify for a new home mortgage even with a bankruptcy on your record
    • Fact and fiction about bankruptcy and how it works

    Get Bankruptcy Didn't Break Me! today and set yourself up for success to live the life you have always wanted!

    ©2006-2020 Kassondra R Lewis (P)2020 Kassondra R Lewis


    "A compassionate and expert guide. Unlike many other financial self-help books, Lewis strikes a good balance between anecdotal stories and specific strategies that can be readily applied to help improve one’s credit score. She writes with conviction and confidence, while maintaining a relatable voice, and tackles the delicate subject of bankruptcy with a clear head and obvious expertise, making this guide a brief but indispensable read." (Self-Publishing Review)

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