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Couverture de Bang the Job in 60 Seconds

Bang the Job in 60 Seconds

De : Ernest Enabulele
Lu par : Catherine O'Connor
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    Have you thrown the ball again and again, and you kept missing the target? Or are you just wondering why exactly do you keep missing the job opportunities again and again? 

    Are you giving up on your dream job and making the decision to settle with just any one that comes you way, or is it your own conviction that you cannot get this dream job you have always been fascinated about?  

    It's been a long time of pursuit, confusion, receiving work invitations, and missing interviews, or as I would put it, it's been a long time of trying and failing.

    Have you ever thrown the ball repeatedly and kept missing the target? Or, maybe, you're simply curious as to why I choose to pass up work opportunities. 

    This is the perfect book out of the many books written by the authors that he had perfectly niched out for you to launch out unto the best of yourself. It is a book to awaken the fire in you that you can certainly get your dream job, and you can successfully be chosen again by those companies that have rejected you before. Your eyes of horizon will be expanded and opened as you will see for yourself reasons why you have not been getting the opportunities.  

    The author have written this book to assure you of every of the answers you are seeking for the challenges you have been having with being successful and results yielding interviews. 

    Sit back, inhale, and absorb the simple secrets of banging your dream job in the right way and with the right attitudes.

    ©2021 Ernest O. Enabulele (P)2021 Ernest O. Enabulele

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