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  • Backyard Chickens: A Fifth-Generation Backyard Chicken Owner Shares His Family Secrets to Keeping a Happy, Productive & Healthy Flock

  • Your Backyard Dream, Book 2
  • De : Geoff Evans
  • Lu par : Brian McGovern
  • Durée : 3 h et 42 min

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Backyard Chickens: A Fifth-Generation Backyard Chicken Owner Shares His Family Secrets to Keeping a Happy, Productive & Healthy Flock

De : Geoff Evans
Lu par : Brian McGovern
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    Do you desire an endless supply of tasty, ethically laid eggs and a happy flock of friendly chickens that won’t get mauled by predators? Then keep listening! 

    By now, you’re probably already aware of the countless benefits of raising and breeding your own friendly, loveable chickens. These intelligent and highly amusing backyard companions will provide you with tastier and more nutritious (up to three times more vitamin E and 70 percent more vitamin B12) eggs compared to what you can find at the local store. They’ll also enjoy a better quality of life and can be a natural form of pest control on your land.

    Are you about to embark on your exciting new backyard chicken journey? Do you just feel like you need a little extra guidance from a fifth-generation expert before you get started?

    In Backyard Chickens, you’ll discover: 

    • How to choose the right breeds for your coop and climate 
    • Building or buying your coop – the best option for you, revealed 
    • One big mistake you must avoid when bringing your chickens home for the first time!
    • Fifteen-plus plants you must keep away from your backyard chickens! 
    • Caring for baby chicks, so they grow up affectionate to you
    • Laws and legislation for keeping roosters and hens in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia
    • Everything you need to know about hatching and incubating eggs
    • The secrets to defending your flock against nasty predators
    • Identifying and treating common health problems…even if you’ve never held a chicken in your life
    • Ten myths and misconceptions that cause beginners to fail (but not you)

    Even if you’re brand new to keeping chickens, with the secrets uncovered inside this audiobook, you’ll know precisely how to keep a happy flock and have more nutrient-rich, tasty eggs than you ever imagined!

    ©2020 Geoff Evans (P)2020 Geoff Evans

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