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Couverture de Back at Last

Back at Last

De : KT Bond
Lu par : Chase Johnson
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    The virgin and the rockstar have a lot riding on their second chance.

    If you ask Christina Marcus why she’ll never win the award for Rockstar Girlfriend of the Year, she can count the ways. Over thirty and still a virgin? Check. Never been in a relationship? Check. Unhappy in the spotlight? Check.

    So why would Rory Stewart, lead singer of the renowned rock band Third Generation, who could have any woman he wanted, give her a second chance after she shut him down six months ago? When they meet again unexpectedly at their mutual friend’s wedding, she doesn’t know what to do, especially after Rory makes his intentions clear.

    And Rory, aka Riordan, isn’t prepared to give up without a fight. He’ll woo the socks—and other items of clothing—off her if it’s the last thing he does. He has a lot to prove, both to her and to himself.

    ©2023 KT Bond (P)2023 KT Bond

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