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Couverture de The Night Market

The Night Market

De : Jesikah Sundin
Lu par : Stewart Crank, Kirsty Geddes
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    A mortal seer enslaved by a traveling faerie market.
    A Raven shifter forced into marriage to save his Caravan tribe.
    And a future not even the cards could predict . . .

    Some children dream of running away to join the Night Market. I did so to escape a nightmare.

    Still, being forced into an overheated tent to read fortunes until sunrise has its trials—naturally. But when he visits me, I suffer for entirely different reasons.

    Stars above, Rhylen Lonan is the most beautiful faerie I’ve ever known. A Raven shifter with long black hair, dark purple eyes, and magic that stirs my own. Each Night Market, in exchange for a generous slice of cake and a delicious morsel of gossip, I read him three cards. And before the gates open, he breaks my heart with the same question.

    “Does my mate love me back?”

    Every time, I'm taunted with visions of Rhylen in love . . . with her. His mate. Until tonight’s reading, that is, when Fate takes a sudden dark turn. I see a devastating fire. He will be forced to marry to save his tribe or face banishment. She will be hunted by other fae in a wedding game.

    I do not see her face. I never have. Nor do I know her name.

    But as Rhylen’s destiny continues to grip my Sight, I start to suspect it's me. That I have always been his forbidden future. And I don’t know what terrifies me most—that I might be his downfall or that he might be mine.

    THE NIGHT MARKET is a new adult fae romantasy set in the Bound by Ravens world and perfect for fans of:

    • mutual pining
    • brother's best friend forbidden romance
    • fated mates
    • witty banter
    • courting rituals
    • touch her and die
    • grumpy fox familiars
    • pocket hedgehogs
    • and magical comfort cake

    Be sure to check out the prequel novella, BOUND BY RAVENS, part of the Starry Kingdoms of the Fae multi-author collection, now in Kindle Unlimited.

    ©2024 Jesikah Sundin (P)2024 Jesikah Sundin

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