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MC Talk w/ Bret Worley

De : Bret Worley
  • Résumé

  • Dive into the rapidly evolving world of hemp with "MC Talk with Bret Worley", the ultimate podcast for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Whether you're an entrepreneur navigating the complex legal landscape, a stakeholder keen on the economic potential of hemp, or supporter curious about hemp as a functional & healthy alternative, Bret Worley (CEO of MC Nutraceuticals, the largest global supplier of cannabinoids) and his expert guests have you covered.

    Each episode unpacks the complexities of the hemp industry, from economic trends and regulatory landscapes to groundbreaking news, innovations, and sustainable practices. Join Bret as he engages with pioneers and visionaries who are shaping the future of hemp, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed choices to stay ahead of this ever changing industry.

    Subscribe to "MC Talk" to engage, learn, and overcome industry challenges while driving hemp advocacy forward. Subscribe now to unlock the potential of hemp — one candid episode at a time!


    Meet Bret Worley the visionary CEO and President of MC Nutraceuticals & MC Global Holdings. A trailblazer in the hemp industry, Bret speaks worldwide on crucial topics like consumer safety, industry economics, the Farm Bill, and the ever-evolving realm of regulatory affairs. Bret is now stepping into the spotlight with his very own unfiltered podcast as he dives deep into the controversial and vital issues that impact the livelihoods of hemp workers and supporters.

    Executive Producers:

    Ana Valdez

    Alex Danell

    Raquel Toto

    Media Inquiries -

    © 2024 MC Talk w/ Bret Worley
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    • Episode 1 - Hemp vs. Marijuana: One Plant's Journey and Why We Are Here
      May 23 2024

      In Episode 1 of "MC Talk," host Bret Worley (CEO of MC Nutraceuticals) alongside industry experts Bob Hoban (Cannabis Attorney and Strategic Advisor) and Philip Snow (Legal Counsel, MC Nutraceuticals, Director of Legalislative Affairs - American Healthy Alternatives Association) traces hemp's journey from the pivotal Farm Bill to its rise as a $28 billion industry. Explore how descheduling hemp has fueled industry-funded research and innovation, and clarified legal distinctions between hemp and marijuana, despite them being the same plant.

      Why is hemp here and how is it not just a legal loophole? Immerse yourself in a candid discussion on the shortcomings of marijuana prohibition, adverse effects of over-regulation, and the true legitimacy of hemp. Discover how the hemp industry improves consumer safety & accessibility, steering them clear of the unregulated market. Tune in & subscribe to explore the rich history and promising future of hemp, and join the movement advocating for this remarkable plant!


      Bret Worley - CEO/Founder of MC Nutraceuticals & MC Global Holdings


      Bob Hoban (Cannabis Attorney and Strategic Advisor, Clark Hill Law)

      Philip Snow (General Counsel - MC Nutraceuticals, Director of Legislative Affairs - American Healthy Alternatives Association)

      Executive Producers:
      Ana Valdez
      Alex Danell
      Raquel Toto

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      46 min

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