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Couverture de Getting Naked with Strangers

Getting Naked with Strangers

De : Taylor Todd
Lu par : Taylor Todd
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    This book is all about your "weird" - the things that make you unique and different from others. What's YOUR weird? Lean into it. Connect with others who have the same weirds that you have. Realize that your weird is what helps you to stand out from the crowd. It is your competitive advantage and your greatest gift. You do not need to conform or fit in to be successful. In fact, trying to force yourself into some box made for someone else is going to be counter-productive. Instead, carve out your own unique space unapologetically.

    Be yourself and do the things that you know are best for your unique characteristics, skills, and abilities (aka your "weird"). Do weird things, too. Try new activities, foods, places, etc. Find new weirds for yourself and connect with all the other beautiful weirdos out there living a life completely different than the norm. Bless this world with the unique life that only you are capable of living. You are this way for a reason. It is for your greatest good!

    ©2023,2024 Taylor Todd (P)2024 Taylor Todd

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