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Couverture de Kingdom of Spirits

Kingdom of Spirits

De : Alisha Klapheke
Lu par : Caitlin Davies
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    A fast-paced and gripping romantasy! This is the book that will cure your Fourth Wing hangover and give you everything you love about dragon riders, fae magic, and grumpy book boyfriends. Tessonja Odette, author of the Entangled with Fae series

    Her life, or her love. Tahlia can't have both.

    When Tahlia's commander dies under mysterious circumstances, the only suspect is Wait for it - their new commander.


    If Tahlia accuses her without proof, she'll lose everything. Including her soul-bonded dragon.

    To make matters worse, something is wrong with her handsome and perfectly grouchy captain. Marius won't meet her gaze, and he won't utter one word about the new commander.

    Like, not a syllable. As if maybe he isn't able.

    But Talia can't just walk away from him. This is Marius we are talking about. He is about to set off on some secret mission, and she can't let him go alone when he has that creepy, clouded look in his eyes. Especially with the fate of the dragon riders resting in such dangerous hands.

    Dark magic and evil forces are rising in Kingdom of Spirits, and Tahlia is determined to uncover the truth. Even if it means risking her life.

    This fantasy rom com is NOT a standalone!

    Check out Bound by Dragons Book One for Talia and Marius's first encounter.

    ***This series is upper YA/NA and contains mature language and situations. There is a dash of spice here and there.

    Get your copy today!

    ©2024 Alisha Klapheke (P)2024 Alisha Klapheke

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