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Couverture de Daggered Wings

Daggered Wings

De : David E. Kinney
Lu par : Randy McCarten
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    When a universe of infinite probabilities collapses into a single shining reality

    Incorporated into the mighty Jakarien Empire, Earths endless wars, hunger, and disease faded into historical footnotes. But peace and prosperity came with a cost. The Imperiums aggressive expansion requiring an inexhaustible supply of pilots, aliens from the furthest reaches of the galaxy, having endured the brutality of Star Corps' orbiting officer evaluation school, gather at SCB Slatereach vying for the right to be called a Hunter of the Imperium. Sam Becket, a human, is one such alien.

    But Sam has a Secret.

    Sworn to secrecy by his dying mother. Raised by a Jakarien prince on an alien world. Feared by some who believe his very existence threatens the foundational fabric of the Imperium. Sam, oblivious to a destiny orchestrated by forces beyond his understanding, embarks, along with his new friends, Bo and AJ, on the adventure of a lifetime.

    A quest to earn Star Corps most coveted badge Daggered Wings.

    ©2019,2023 David E. Kinney (P)2024 David E. Kinney


    Peter Andrew Jones: "I felt I was 21 again, visualizing my first E E Doc Smith cover. Created with passion, for me, it conjured memories of unfettered creativity. If it was David's intention to write a 70s-style sci-fi book, he cracked it 100%."

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