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  • The Anxious Attachment Recovery & Inner Child Healing (2 in 1)

  • Understand the Effects of Childhood Trauma, the Art of Setting Boundaries & How to Create Healthy Relationships
  • De : Archer Miles
  • Lu par : Chaleeya Yeh
  • Durée : 10 h et 30 min

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The Anxious Attachment Recovery & Inner Child Healing (2 in 1)

De : Archer Miles
Lu par : Chaleeya Yeh
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    By now, many of us understand that our childhoods play a vital role in our behavior, especially in our closest & most intimate relationships.

    BUT! This doesn’t mean these behaviors are now set in stone forever.

    In fact, by taking the time to understand their cause, uncover their roots & truly work through them, you can not only heal your inner child & anxious attachment style, but start living your best life.

    With the practical strategies, tips & exercises you can start your journey to FREEDOM.

    Freedom from your past holding you back.

    Freedom from feeling like you don’t deserve love & happiness.

    In fact, YOU DESERVE to feel happy and loved.

    And, as you begin to understand this, work through your trauma & discover what healthy relationships look like, you will reach levels of intimacy & connection you never thought possible for yourself.

    Here’s an example of what’s inside…

    The Truth About Attachment Theory & Everything You Need To Know About Your Personal Style

    Why Your Childhood Was So Crucial To Your Behavior Today….But Why It Doesn’t Always Have To Be This Way

    EVERYTHING You Need To Heal Your Anxious Attachment, Deepen Intimacy, Feel Real Trust & Start Truly Enjoying Your Relationship

    The Truth About Childhood Trauma And How it Literally Affects EVERY Aspect Of Your Behavior As An Adult

    Why Your Wounded Inner Child Is Likely The Cause Of Many Of Your Behaviors In Your Closest Relationships (And How To Replace Them With Healthy & Loving Habits)

    Meditations & Affirmations To Help You Integrate The Teachings & Begin Rewiring Your Brain

    And SO Much More!

    ©2023 Archer Miles (P)2023 Archer Miles

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