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  • Hebrews? Africans? Or Does It Matter?

  • The World’s Best Kept Secret
  • De : Rodney Jones
  • Lu par : Kevin Howard
  • Durée : 13 h et 32 min

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Couverture de Hebrews? Africans? Or Does It Matter?

Hebrews? Africans? Or Does It Matter?

De : Rodney Jones
Lu par : Kevin Howard
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    Hebrews? Africans? Or Does It Matter? delves into the intricate intersection of history, culture, and spirituality specifically concerning the descendants of the formerly enslaved people in America but also throughout the diaspora. This people’s history can never be told truthfully without being labeled “controversial.” The listener will understand why this powerful history is also referred to as “The World’s Best Kept Secret.”

    Through a compelling narrative and thought-provoking analysis, this book navigates through many narratives while continually pulling back and clarifying the multilayered complexities of the false narratives of our history. At the same time, this book invites so-called African American listeners to explore the layers of their own unique history and identity. From what the Scripture says about the ancient roots of Hebrew ancestry, to its connection to African heritage, to the real-time solutions suggested by this history and heritage, this book offers a nuanced examination of the significance of these identities and the implications they hold for us today.

    With meticulous research and engaging storytelling, the author challenges conventional notions of our history and identity while prompting listeners to question the boundaries we impose on ourselves. God is taking us somewhere we have never been before! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

    Ultimately, Hebrews? Africans? Or Does It Matter? offers a profound reflection on the spiritual importance of our history, our cultural identity, and the simply amazing power of embracing the richness of who we really are – not just as strong Black individuals, but collectively, as a strong Black people! If we only knew the power that we already have! The listener will see in this book why whether we are Hebrews or Africans really does matter! Now is the time…

    ©2024 Rodney Jones (P)2024 Rodney Jones

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