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Couverture de Basic Akan

Basic Akan

De : Ama Boateng
Lu par : Ama Boateng
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    This simple five session Akan language course teaches you the essentials of this key Ghanaian language. Akan, encompassing dialects like Twi and Fante, has been used across Ghana for centuries. This course targets the A1 level on the CEFR scale and, as such, is designed for complete beginners.

    Learning Akan opens up a deeper understanding of Ghanaian heritage and helps build relationships native speakers. By learning this language, you will gain insights into the traditions and social nuances of the Akan-speaking communities.

    Throughout the five sessions of your course, you will concentrate on practical vocabulary and phrases essential for daily communication. The course covers a variety of everyday scenarios, from greetings and introductions to shopping and dining. You’ll learn how to navigate typical conversations, making it easier to interact confidently without having to learn wide-ranging vocabulary.

    The structure of the course ensures that you build your language skills progressively. You'll start out with foundational vocabulary such a greetings, then gradually expand your knowledge to include more complex expressions and phrases but with a focus on applicability to daily communication. This step-by-step approach makes it easy to retain what you learn and apply it.

    One of the key advantages of this course is its practical focus. Rather than overwhelming you with grammar and theory, it emphasizes usable language skills. You’ll be able to ask for directions, make purchases at local markets, and enjoy meals with confidence.

    By the end of the five sessions, you will have built a solid foundation in basic Akan communication. This course is perfect for anyone looking to travel to Ghana or connect with Akan-speaking friends and relatives. The skills you acquire will not only help you communicate but also deepen your appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of Ghana.

    Start your journey learning the Akan language today!

    ©2024 Ama Boateng (P)2024 Historical Audiobooks

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