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Couverture de Real Women in Real Estate, Volume 2: Unleashing Her Power

Real Women in Real Estate, Volume 2: Unleashing Her Power

De : Migena Agaraj, Brooke Ceballos-Pinero, Shirley Baez, Cecilia Cossio, Barbara Heil-Sonneck, Emily Bullock, Sarah Gwiazdowski, Jacqueline Landry, Lisa Casanova, Elise Lin, Ahuva Druin, Sarah “Gwiz” Gwiazdowski, Annabelle & Kayla Lewis
Lu par : Migena Agaraj, Brooke Ceballos-Pinero, Sarah Gwiazdowski, Annabelle & Kayla Lewis, Arleen Garza, Barbara Heil-Sonneck, Shirley Baez
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    The Journey continues

    What do you get when you bring together inspiring females from all walks of life, making moves in real estate all across the USA? From investing, fix and flips, property management, capital raising, multifamily, and more, these women are getting it done in a male-dominated field and not keeping any secrets; they're ready to show you how.

    These stories are to be a beacon of inspiration to uplift and empower women from every corner of the globe, urging them to pursue their dreams in real estate fearlessly.

    Learn how they've demolished obstacles to ignite their flames of ambition, empowering them to blaze their path toward greatness.

    Together, we will leave an everlasting impact on real estate investing.


    Unleashing Her Power: Inspiring Stories and Strategies

    Do a deep dive into their stories with authors: Migena Agaraj, Brooke Ceballos-Pinero, Ahuva Druin, Sarah Gwiz Gwiazdowski, Annabelle & Kayla Lewis, Arleen Garza, Barbara Heil-Sonneck, Brenda Avendano, Bridget Ashley, Candace Sarber, Cecilia Cossio, Crysta Marquez, Debbie Medina, Sally Abreu, Elise Lin, Jaqueline Laundry, Jana Uselton, Lisa Casanova, Margie Cowles Hamner, Maria Healy, Nancy Tran, Natasha Woolery, Rita Felicia De Palma, Shirley Baez, Tera Jo Wilburn, Dr. Emily Young Bullock and Kendra Kay Seck.

    These are the Real-Women in Real Estate who are entrepreneurs and experts at capital raising who are in the major markets of the USA Miami Florida, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio Texas, Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and many other states capital raising, multi-family investing, networking and real estate development that will take your dreams of real estate to the next level!

    ©2024 Beyond Publishing (P)2024 Michael D. Butler

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