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Couverture de The Bird Caper

The Bird Caper

De : Victoria E. Pannell, Thorir Sigfusson
Lu par : David Piper
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    Authors of the Award-Winning novel THE BIG DREAM present

    THE BIRD CAPPER in the fun book series everyone’s been waiting for!


    Are you ready for a thrilling adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat? Look no further. In THE BIRD CAPER (book 1), ten-year-old Brandon is faced with the ultimate challenge when his parents decide to sell his home. This change means moving the family away from his beloved neighborhood and friends. Desperate not to move, Brandon turns to his pet crow, Ralph, for comfort and advice. But when Ralph becomes the suspect in a string of mysterious bird incidents, Brandon must race against time to clear his name and save his friendship with his best friend, Josh. As tensions rise and new challenges emerge, Brandon must uncover the truth behind the crimes and chaos before it’s too late. Will he be able to outsmart the dreaded B.B. Boy bullies? And who knew that ladybugs could play such a pivotal role in the grand scheme of things? With action at every corner, this middle-grade mystery adventure is a must-listen for boys and girls. A perfect book for 8-12 year olds. Fans of books like “The Mysterious Benedict Society” will devour this captivating tale. Don’t wait any longer, grab your copy of THE BIRD CAPER today!

    Bonus! Teacher Reading Resources Included.

    Don’t forget to listen to THE BIG DREAM! Book 2 of THE CROW’S TALES, a 3-book series. Entertaining stories with wholesome values!

    ©2024 Victoria E Pannell & Thorir Sigfusson (P)2024 Victoria E Pannell & Thorir Sigfusson

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