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Couverture de Taken to Sky

Taken to Sky

De : Elizabeth Stephens
Lu par : Ruthie Bowles, James Cavenaugh
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    The final full-length installment in the Xiveri Mates saga awaits, along with the Eshmiri reaver you love to hate and the assassin her soul is bound to.

    He’s been hunting me for rotations. Now, it’s time to return the favor.

    I knows things have gone ecking south when the Sky sends its full army to hunt me down. Now, I'm stranded on an adorably violent little planet with only Jerrock to rely on—and he hates me.

    Jerrock. Sky assassin. The Quadrants’ most renowned killer. He wasn't always, though. I remember who he used to be before and I want him to remember, too, but he wants eck all to do with me.

    He thinks I'm just an addict, a fool, a reaver with no instincts for self preservation. He says that reavers like me can't be trusted. He says that assassins like him can’t love.

    But as we crash through the cosmos together with an army on our trail, I'm going crack through his armored flesh if it kills me—and it just might—but I'll prove him wrong.

    Ashmara, you really think I could forget? My soul remembers who you are.

    Taken to Sky is the ninth and final full-length book in the Xiveri Mates series and features two damaged antiheroes finding each other and their place in the cosmos. This book can be enjoyed as a standalone and will feature familiar faces from previous books before ending with an HEA.

    Content warning: look out for darker themes, including overcoming addiction, battles, and spice, as well as a dub-con/CNC scene.

    ©2023 Elizabeth Stephens (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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