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Couverture de The Well of Loneliness

The Well of Loneliness

De : Radclyffe Hall
Lu par : Lucy Scott
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    One of the most influential gay and lesbian novels, The Well of Loneliness recounts the life and loves of Stephen Gordon, a defiant woman who simply wants to be true to herself. Named by a father who wanted a boy, Stephen is a keen fencer, horse rider and lover of women. Her less-than-feminine behavior causes a rift between her and her mother and eventually she leaves home, living on her own terms and experiencing a series of affairs. Her journey of self-discovery takes her from bohemian Paris to the battlefield of World War One, where she becomes a hero—while we witness her joy and pain at being an ‘other’. Banned for obscenity in 1928 and not republished until 1949, The Well of Loneliness is a compelling exploration of sexuality and gender identity.

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    Public Domain (P)2024 Naxos AudioBooks UK Ltd.

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