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Couverture de HMS Cavendish and Other Misadventures

HMS Cavendish and Other Misadventures

De : Eric Victor Rendel
Lu par : Gerard Doyle, Christine Rendel
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    This is a memoir of a boy born in 1926 in a small seaside town on the northwest coast of England who grew up in pre-and wartime Britain and who recalls, in this account, his many adventures before, during, and after the conclusion of World War II.

    In the latter half of the war, our teenage author enlists in His Majesty King George VI’s Royal Navy and is assigned to serve as a naval Coder on several British warships, culminating on HMS Cavendish, a state-of-the-art Destroyer based primarily in the Southeast Asia theatre of war.

    Throughout his service, the neophyte mariner chronicles his experiences, outrageous mishaps, and the life lessons he learns along his journey.

    At the conclusion of hostilities, we follow the path of the demobbed and restless young sailor upon his return to Britain as he explores a variety of careers and opportunities over the next decade in search of adventure and fulfillment.

    Written in a humorous and light-hearted manner, somewhat in the style of Jerome K. Jerome or P.G. Wodehouse, it is hoped this audiobook will appeal to listeners interested in the personal recollections and experiences of a sharply observant and irreverent chronicler born almost one hundred years ago.

    ©2009 Eric V. Rendel (P)2024 Christine Rendel

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