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  • The Contact

  • Lance Spector Thriller, Book 7
  • De : Saul Herzog
  • Lu par : Jay Myers
  • Durée : 6 h et 8 min

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The Contact

De : Saul Herzog
Lu par : Jay Myers
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    Moscow, Russia
    Rebels have entered the Kremlin. The sound of gunfire rings out over its ancient buildings. Has the Russian president's bloodthirsty regime entered its final death throes?

    Washington DC, USA
    As war threatens to engulf the globe, the US President must decide if the assets the CIA has relied on for so long are worth the enormous cost.

    The Contact by Saul Herzog is the stunning next installment in the series that has taken the publishing industry, and Hollywood rights departments, by storm. This dazzling tour de force is a full standalone novel. From the mind of one of the most creative and versatile writers working in America today, this book will surely go down as a classic of the spy thriller genre.

    If you listen to only one book this year, this is it. Action, adventure, rebellion, provocative foreign agents, characters you can sink your teeth into. If you're looking for a new spy thriller series that will stay with you long after you listen, look no further.

    Recommended for fans of Lee Child's Jack Reacher, Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp, Robert Ludlum's Jason Bourne, and Brad Thor's Scot Harvath.

    ©2023 AuthorContact (P)2024 AuthorContact

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