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  • Important Innovations: Collection: Robotic Innovation

  • The Latest & Most Impressive Robots Including Medical Body Bots, Jeeves with AI, Humanoid... (Innovations Changing Your Life, Book 2)
  • De : Edward Kane
  • Lu par : Maryanne Kane
  • Durée : 1 h et 58 min

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Couverture de Important Innovations: Collection: Robotic Innovation

Important Innovations: Collection: Robotic Innovation

De : Edward Kane
Lu par : Maryanne Kane
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    Robotic technology is one of the 21st century's most disruptive forces of innovation. It is significantly impacting and changing virtually every aspect of life and global industry. In Volume 2 (Robots) of Important Innovations we list and showcase dozens of the most exciting and powerful bots that have recently been created by the world's leading roboticists. The fun news briefs cover a lot of robotic territory. Some examples: service bots like restaurant bots. Also: "Jeeves with AI", who serves as a virtual assistant in your virtual home. Yale's robotic skin that turns everyday objects into bots. Tiny medical bots that detect disease and deliver therapies inside the human body. Humanoid bots like Boston Dynamics' Atlas that's capable of military training exercises and SpotMini, a companion bot for office and home that can also dance. We profile bot lawyers, news anchors, insects, ships, lawn mowers, cops, beachcombers, surgeons, and much more. We hope that you enjoy this listen which offers a view of your robotic future.

    ©2018, 2019 Edward Kane (P)2018 Edward Kane

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