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  • Awesome Golf Now

  • Achieving Peak Performance with Hypnosis and NLP
  • De : Laura King
  • Lu par : Dena Kouremetis
  • Durée : 5 h et 55 min

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Awesome Golf Now

De : Laura King
Lu par : Dena Kouremetis
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    Awesome Golf Now: Achieving Peak Performance with Hypnosis and NLP

    Discover the mental advantage used by the PGA pros. Learn how to use the secret the pros use in Laura King’s latest book, Awesome Golf Now. You can control your mental game and break through the internal barriers that are holding you back by using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Laura King, author of Awesome Golf Now, has personally helped professional golfers from the PGA, Champions, and LPGA Tours improve their games through visualization and hypnosis. In her book, Laura walks you through the same powerful techniques she uses with her personal clients.

    Bobby Jones once said, “Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course—the distance between your ears.” This famous quote sums it up: golf is a mental game. How much have you spent on specialty golf clinics, equipment, and lessons just trying to reach a respectable handicap? If you are discouraged with your ability to significantly improve your golf game, or even if you are seasoned player who has reached a plateau and just can’t seem to get to the next level despite lessons and hours on the course, Awesome Golf Now is the right audiobook for you.

    A professional coach or golf pro helps you improve your skills and techniques through physical rehearsal. Following Laura’s simple instructions, you can also improve your confidence and focus through mental rehearsal. Learn a simple step-by-step method to use these powerful tools that allow you to use 100 percent of your mind.

    • Shave points off your game without hours of practice: control your mind and improve your game overnight
    • Stop analyzing the faults in your swing: start to feel and “know” what you want when you step up to the tee
    • Learn to stay in the moment: move past the three-putt on the last green
    • Learn techniques to release anger and frustration when you make mistakes
    • Remember why you play golf: unlike any other sport, the game of golf is a metaphor for life... it is about the journey

    It is widely know that Tiger Woods uses hypnosis as part of his game day preparation. Even Jack Nicklaus, the “Golden Bear”, used visualization techniques and hypnosis. He once said that “90 percent of golf is mental”. Learn Laura’s mental techniques and play your best golf ever!

    Once you understand the process by listening to Awesome Golf Now, check out Laura’s Complete Awesome Golf Hypnosis CD series. Although Laura provides the script and teaches you how to write your own script, why write and record your own self-hypnosis scripts when Laura—who is a certified sports hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, performance and life coach—has already recorded them for you.

    Start today with Awesome Golf Now.

    ©2009 Laura King (P)2023 Laura King

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