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  • Awakenings from the Light

  • 12 Life Lessons from a Near Death Experience
  • De : Nancy Rynes
  • Lu par : Nancy Rynes
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Awakenings from the Light

De : Nancy Rynes
Lu par : Nancy Rynes
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    Nancy Rynes was riding her bicycle when a large SUV approached. The vehicle's driver, absorbed in texting while driving, plowed right into Rynes.

    Suffering from severe spinal and head injuries, Rynes knew she was dying. At that moment, she underwent the first of two life-changing near-death experiences - her consciousness split between her frightened, injured self lying on the road, and an impartial, peaceful observer-consciousness who watched as first responders fought to keep her alive. Her second, more lengthy near-death experience came days later, during the surgery that attempted to repair her traumatized spine.

    Rynes, a scientist and confirmed skeptic, was shown the wonders of heaven, experiencing joy, love, and beauty on such a grand scale that she wept at its magnitude. She then met and spoke with a being who gave her insights into life, love, and the wonders of spirit. After her tour of heaven, she was returned to her body to begin the long, slow process of recovering from injuries her surgeon affirms should have killed her.

    In Awakenings from the Light, Rynes recounts the amazing sights of heaven, and explains the remarkable insights into life she returned with to share with others. She was gifted with a second chance - a precious opportunity to bring a little bit of heaven into her life on Earth. The wisdom she passes on could well change your life as well.

    ©2015 Nancy Rynes (P)2016 Nancy Rynes

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