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Couverture de Awakening Through Moments of Choice

Awakening Through Moments of Choice

De : Vince Kramer, Mary Kramer
Lu par : Vince Kramer, Mary Kramer, Karen Curry Parker
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    From the outside, Vince Kramer looked like he had it all. He was a commercial airline pilot, happily married, owned a beautiful home, and treated himself to the finer things in life. With so much in his life, why was he feeling like there should be more? Why wasn’t he happier? Fulfilled? As his days unfolded, he came to the uncomfortable realization that searching for satisfaction from the outside world wasn’t going to fill the void within himself.

    This transformative memoir details Vince’s quest to gain a deeper understanding of the things that matter most in life: meaning, connection, and love. As he begins his search, Vince reunites with Mary, who opens worlds of spiritual growth and divine guidance. Through their relationship and conversations, Vince begins his journey of shedding limiting beliefs, opening to possibilities, and living on purpose. He connects to the eternal energies of Archangels and Ascended Masters and gains a whole new perspective about the direction and meaning of his life. Vince’s story will inspire listeners to re-examine their own lives and begin the exciting journey of opening to what is truly possible. It will encourage them to find their unique pathway to the answers to their most pressing questions.

    ©2022 Vince Kramer and Mary Kramer (P)2023 Vince Kramer, Mary Kramer, and GracePoint Matrix, LLC

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