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Couverture de Awakening


De : Bailey West
Lu par : Sable Lyn, Midnite Michael
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    Kemuel Azar and Queenie Montgomery have had a strong bond since they first formed a friendship in high school. Working together on a class project, they grew closer, finding common ground in their mutual appreciation of construction and interior design.

    With their bond cemented, they graduate college and work in their respective fields for King Construction, Kemuel's family business. As they anticipate the change in ownership from Kemuel's grandfather to Kemuel, a sense of excitement fills the air, but it is tempered by the condition attached. For Kemuel to become the owner of the company, it is a requirement that he marry Queenie. Faced with the prospect of losing the family business, Kemuel and Queenie agree to the arrangement. Will the marriage arrangement strengthen their bond or destroy it?

    ©2023 Bailey West (P)2023 Recorded Books

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