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  • Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap

  • 12 Questions to Understand What's Truly Underneath Your Culture
  • De : Patrick Adams
  • Lu par : Patrick Adams
  • Durée : 4 h et 49 min

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Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap

De : Patrick Adams
Lu par : Patrick Adams
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    Seeking the best way to understand your company’s operations and leadership, hoping to finally see what’s truly underneath your culture? Take a trip with business performance coach Patrick Adams inside two different cultures—one you’d like to avoid and one you’d like to emulate—and then ask yourself the right questions. The answers may lead you—and your organization’s various stakeholders—somewhere extraordinary.

    A Fantastic Account of Two Companies with Very Different Cultures

    Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap: 12 Questions to Understand What’s Truly Underneath Your Culture is a transformational book that weaves together the stories of two companies that, on the surface, appear to be quite similar. Underneath, however, they couldn’t be more different. There is a devastating distinction between being a company dedicated to continuous improvement and being one that’s about “continuous appearance” instead. The 12 questions that Patrick Adams outlines in his debut book for business leaders give readers the ability to assess their operations. At last, a practical guide to better understanding your company’s leadership and culture.

    Step inside “Company Continuous Improvement” and its counterpart, “Company Continuous Appearance.”

    “Patrick Adams contrasts the cultures of two companies he worked for and, though each started with similar lean models and visions, one was mechanistic and only gave the appearance of lean, while the other developed an actual culture of continuous improvement. The contrast provides a vivid example of the difference between fake lean and true lean.” (Dr. Jeffrey Liker, Author of The Toyota Way, Second Edition)

    After listening Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap, you will:

    • Have a clear understanding of whether your culture is one of appearance or of true continuous improvement
    • Have completed a powerful assessment of your operations and leadership
    • Establish a roadmap and priority list for organizational experiments that will lead to positive transformation
    • Determine a new outlook of fake lean versus real lean.

    “In today’s culture, we’re all familiar with the term ‘fake news,’ but there’s also something called ‘fake lean.’ Patrick Adams lays out, in a very succinct way, the telltale signs of authentically lean and fake lean. There couldn’t be a better analysis for all of us to make sure we’re not posers but our efforts are the real thing.” (Paul A. Akers, Author of 2 Second Lean)

    A Fresh, Practical Look at Lean Management, Through Stories and Cautionary Tales
    There is no shortage of books about lean management and continuous improvement. But Patrick Adams offers something refreshing, memorable, and immediately applicable -- a book that cuts through the clutter and shows you the way. Patrick gives readers an insider’s view of what happens when continuous improvement strategies are backed up by dedication and action...and what happens when they’re not.

    It’s time to develop a true culture of continuous improvement. Join Patrick Adams in uncovering the truth about your culture and discovering how 12 simple questions can provide direction for true and sustainable transformation for your organization.

    ©2021 Patrick Adams Consulting Services, LLC (P)2023 Patrick Adams Consulting Services, LLC

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