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Avatar: The Incarnations of Godhead

De : Radha Krsna Das
Lu par : Radha Krsna Das
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“Whenever there is a decline of religion and a rise of irreligion, I incarnate myself. To protect the good, to destroy the wicked, and to re-establish religious principles, I appear in every age.”

"In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium." Sri Krishna

The incarnations of Godhead are a recurrent theme in Vedic history. Vishnu exists outside the material realm as the creator, and within every being as the Supersoul. He also enters this world as an avatar, "one who descends", to restore balance whenever his presence is needed. There are said to be more incarnations of Godhead than waves on the ocean. The avatars of Vishnu are of particular interest because He takes progressively more developed forms, from the fish, tortoise, and boar to half-animal, half-man, and finally human form. That God should incarnate as an animal, even a supernatural one, shows animals have an important role to play in God’s eyes. They are living expressions of the spirit and presence of God. Here are the subtle secret teachings of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami the master of George Harrison and so many more. These ancient yogic mysteries were taught only to Maharaji's most advanced disciples and were thought to be all but lost these many years. Coming now from a nearly 50-year devotee of Srila Prabhupada here is a singular opportunity to enter into the true mystical presence of the divine incarnations of the absolute.

The Vedas are a 5,000-year-old intriguing esoteric, mystical body of work that carries within it the seed of divine, transcendental knowledge. We live in a world wherein yoga now reigns supreme as the preferred, go-to method of modern spiritual realization, and this unique, exclusive audio presentation paves the way for a clearer, more meaningful understanding of these divine sacred.

©2022 Radha Krsna Das (P)2022 Icon Audio Arts
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