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  • Ava James and the Ivy Grove

  • Ava James FBI Mystery, Book 1
  • De : A.J. Rivers
  • Lu par : Claire Duncan
  • Durée : 7 h et 4 min

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Ava James and the Ivy Grove

De : A.J. Rivers
Lu par : Claire Duncan
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    At a masked gala on Ivy island, “The price of betrayal is death.”

    FBI Agent Ava James had a difficult entrance into the FBI. After shadowing famed agent Emma Griffin inside the disturbing underbelly of Windsor Island, Ava James is now ready to carve out her own path in the agency.

    But before she dives into the case awaiting her in Harlan, she receives an invitation to attend a special gala weekend.

    A gala honoring her aunt who has devoted her life to charity.

    Although still recovering from the shocking aftermath of the last island she attended.

    Ava does her best to put her best foot forward for the sake of her aunt.

    When a strange suicide mars the special event, it’s Ava that starts questioning what she sees. As the secrets of the Foundation start to bubble to the surface, Ava faces the realization that she may be more than just an invited guest.

    Truth, lies, and consequences.

    The only way off this island may be death....

    ©2021 A.J. Rivers (P)2022 A.J. Rivers

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