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Couverture de Autism in the Light of Islam

Autism in the Light of Islam

De : Mohammad Ahmed
Lu par : Carter Anderson
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    Autism in the Light of Islam illuminates a joyous union where autism and Islamic teachings connect, inviting listeners on an extraordinary voyage of self-discovery.

    This profound book illuminates spirituality, expanding our comprehension of autism and encouraging our spiritual development.

    From the timeless wisdom of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it unveils captivating perspectives that ignite empathy, kindle compassion, and spark a profound reverence for individuals with autism.

    With its practical wisdom and inclusive spirit, this transformative guide paves the way for understanding, support, and unity.

    Bridging the realms of autism and Islamic principles. Enriching our lives with newfound insights and profound connections.

    ©2023 Mohammad Ahmed (P)2023 Mohammad Ahmed

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