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  • Authentic

  • The Myth of Bringing Your Full Self to Work
  • De : Jodi-Ann Burey
  • Durée : 8 h

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De : Jodi-Ann Burey
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    From the creator of the viral TED talk "The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work," a bold call to reclaim authenticity as a commitment to self

    “Come just as you are.” It’s become common for workplaces to employ this phrase to create the illusion of an inclusive workplace culture. But these calls are dishonest and overlook the true risks of being yourself at work. Too often, the qualities that make us whole–our values, motivations, and perspectives–are turned around and used against us in the workplace to the detriment of our careers. We cannot work like this.

    Jodi-Ann Burey, sought-after speaker known for her TED talk “The Myth of Bringing Your Full, Authentic Self to Work,” firmly declares that the stakes are too high to accept shallow definitions of authenticity from people who aren’t invested in it. With insights from pop culture, academic research, and interviews with other professionals of color, Burey argues that a better way to work is not only possible, but it’s what we all deserve.

    Our physical and emotional health are at risk, and too much is sacrificed—for ourselves and for collective progress—when our full potential is blocked behind barriers such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Authentic is a powerful call to action—the time to reclaim our agency and define for ourselves what it means to be authentic is now.

    ©2025 Jodi-Ann Burey (P)2025 Macmillan Audio

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