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Couverture de Aussie Sun

Aussie Sun

De : C F White
Lu par : Piers Ryman
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    Can a splash of Aussie sun sway a retired MP to vote one last time...for love?

    Retired English MP Jeffrey Gandy has had enough. Of people. Of politics. Of pursuing love. After a lifetime in the public eye, he’s on extended leave in Australia to renew his bond with his long-lost daughter.

    Aussie swimming coach Hunter Ford has a race to win. This time he’s out of the pool, and fighting the developers determined to make him and his rescue animals homeless. Without the money to afford a lawyer, he’s no choice but to bury his head in the golden sand of his beloved bay.

    When Jeffrey forms an unlikely friendship with his daughter’s swimming coach, the 28-year age gap should be enough of a deterrent for him not to get involved, no matter how gorgeous the athlete with a heart of gold is.

    Both Jeffrey and Hunter have been burned before, so trust doesn’t come as easy as their mutual attraction. But Jeffrey is meant to be in Australia for his daughter, not to chase young men, as he's reminded time again by his ex-wife.

    Can Hunter make Jeffrey realize he’s allowed to fall in love too? And can he do it before Hunter’s persuaded away by someone else...someone who doesn’t have his best interests at heart?

    Aussie Sun (Flying Into Love #4) is a contemporary, low angst, slow-burn, age-gap, MM romance featuring a disgraced English MP hiding from his mistakes and a happy-go-lucky Aussie animal-lover with a desperate need to please.

    ©2023 CF White (P)2023 C F White

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