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Couverture de Aunt Violet's Locket

Aunt Violet's Locket

De : Kristin Harper
Lu par : Jess Moran
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    The long tarnished chain and heart-shaped pendant are heavy in Paige’s hand. Carefully prying it open she can just make out the tiny engraving inside. What she reads will change everything she ever believed about her great-aunt Violet, and their family history…

    When newly single and heartbroken Paige inherits an isolated cottage facing out to the wild sea on Dune Island from her great-aunt Violet, she is shocked. Paige never even met Violet, and she’s heard family stories about how a terrible incident involving the wealthy neighboring Hathaway family during World War Two led Violet to withdraw from everyone. But why would Violet leave everything to her?

    Determined to clear out the cottage and sell it as quickly as possible, when Paige bumps into Seth Hathaway as he walks back from the beach, at first she’s guarded. But Seth’s easy smile makes her think that maybe the Hathaways can be trusted after all…

    Then Paige finds an old envelope containing her aunt’s only piece of jewelry. The romantic message inscribed inside brings tears to her eyes, and Seth shows her how the initials match those carved with a heart into an ancient beech tree on her aunt’s property. Did Violet live her whole life yearning for the person who gave her the locket?

    As Paige and Seth grow closer, she starts to wonder if she could find happiness right here on Dune Island. And if Paige discovers the identity of Violet’s lost love, can she finally clear her aunt’s name—or in this tight-knit island community, should some secrets be left in the past forever?

    Fans of Mary Ellen Taylor, Carolyn Brown and Barbara O’Neal will adore this absolutely stunning and addictive story about the sacrifices people make to be with the ones they love, and how bringing family secrets into the light can change everything.

    ©2024 Kristin Harper (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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