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Couverture de August 2024

August 2024

De : John M. Del Vecchio
Lu par : Julia Dye
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    There are people who can be reached by fiction who cannot be reached by fact. This story is a warning.

    A timely, terrifying novella by the NYT bestselling author of The 13th Valley.

    In the year 2048, 38-year-old Ang (Angelica) tells the story of what happened to her twenty-four years earlier, in August 2024, when she was 14; when she and her brother Sal, 16 ½ at the time, fled from their home in Oregon in hopes of reaching their grandparents’ farm at Whirl’s End, Pennsylvania. It is a period of crisis, tragedy, collapse of social order, balkanization of the United States, and the rise of tyranny. Ang leads in with anecdotes of building The Truck, that eventually carried them on their journey, during summers at G-pa’s, and with the Covid death of her father; and ends with their status 24 years later.

    ©2024 John M. Del Vecchio (P)2024 Warriors Publishing Group

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