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  • Augment It

  • How Architecture, Engineering and Construction Leaders Leverage Data and Artificial Intelligence to Build a Sustainable Future
  • De : Mehdi Nourbakhsh
  • Lu par : Frank Block
  • Durée : 7 h et 47 min

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Augment It

De : Mehdi Nourbakhsh
Lu par : Frank Block
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    Do you want to increase efficiency and productivity to meet demand, but find you’re struggling with low budget and resources?

    As a manager or executive working in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, you’re under pressure to do more with less, reduce waste, produce faster, and still turn a profit.

    The solution?

    In the past, technology has helped AEC companies to gain efficiency and become more productive. Artificial intelligence is one of the most under-utilized emerging technologies in the AEC industry, but when understood and used correctly, it improves efficiency, empowers creativity, and improves bottom-line results.

    There is lots of misleading and confusing information out there about AI, and none specific to the AEC industry – until now. Unlike other, more technical or generic books, Augment It is written for you, the AEC professional.

    You will learn:

    • What AI is and what it can and cannot do
    • What data is and how it can help your organization
    • How to find a good AI problem with a high return on investment
    • How to plan and execute your first AI project
    • How to build and scale AI projects in your company
    • How to define your AI strategy

    Augment It also provides case studies of how AI is being used in businesses today. By implementing the techniques explained in this book, you – and your organization – will become an industry innovator with a sustainable and profitable future.

    ©2022 Mehdi Nourbakhsh (P)2023 Mehdi Nourbakhsh

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