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  • Attract & Keep Customers for Life

  • 4 Abilities to Build Trust, Communicate Your Value, and Charge What You're Worth (Revised & Expanded)
  • De : Terry Begue
  • Lu par : Aubrey Johnson
  • Durée : 4 h et 21 min

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Attract & Keep Customers for Life

De : Terry Begue
Lu par : Aubrey Johnson
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    Have you experienced one of those moments when you're driving to work and it becomes painfully clear, "I'm not living the life I want"? If so, I want you to know I’ve been there. You also need to know—today—my business is so successful I charge a premium price and still turn away more jobs than I take.

    In Attract & Keep Customers for Life, I will walk you through my proven, step-by-step process to develop your brand, build trust with customers and prospective clients, and be looked upon as an expert in your industry.

    Owning and operating a service business should be rewarding and satisfying. If yours isn’t, then let me show you a new way of doing business that will give you a huge competitive edge over the competition!

    In my book you’ll learn:

    • How to position yourself as “The Expert”
    • What customers want and will pay a premium price to have
    • Ways to quickly establish trust
    • Why keeping the pipeline full changes everything
    • The power of using other people’s words
    • How to generate word-of-mouth referrals without asking
    • And much, much more!

    If you know in your heart you’re worth more than you’re making, and you’re ready to take control over your business, your income, and your life, then this book is exactly what you need.

    Start listening now.

    Don't forget to also get your Attract & Keep Customers for Life Workbook to not just hear about the proven abilities that can change your life and business but to instantly apply them so you can start building the business of your dreams today.

    ©2022 Terry Begue (P)2022 Terry Begue

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