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Attitude Is Your Superpower

De : Eduardo Clemente
Lu par : Manish Dongardive
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    Improve your life and your career with some powerful mindset tips for success, positivity, and strong adaptation skills.

    You might be in a negative spiral, productively or psychologically, stuck thinking you're just not good enough, you'll never get ahead, and the world is unfair. Or perhaps you feel pretty good about your attitude, but you know there's always room for improvement, and you're curious about what you can tweak to do better.

    Whatever your current position, you have the opportunity to take agency at work and in life. You can actively improve your situation because it all comes down to attitude, and your attitude is not set in stone. Even better—you don't need a million training courses or a year-long MBA to adjust it. You can improve your attitude one pep talk and one step at a time.


    Importantly, this audiobook is no list of things to do! You'll learn that attitude is about how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself, how it's separate from your personality and how to completely change and improve your life and career by understanding and managing better your:

    • Confidence
    • Positivity
    • Growth-mindset
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Adaptability
    • Resilience
    • Problem solving mindset

    As a bonus the audiobook also includes a set of tips on how to best leverage skills like managing expectations and your drive for excellence to achieve strong success in your career.

    Its up to you to think positive about yourself, to work on your self-improvement and motivation so to potentiate your success and happiness in life.

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©2021 Eduardo Clemente (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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