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  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success

  • The Comprehensive Parenting Guide to Raising Successful Children with ADHD
  • De : Zipi Kobrinski
  • Lu par : Renee Gardener
  • Durée : 6 h et 20 min

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Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success

De : Zipi Kobrinski
Lu par : Renee Gardener
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    Turn struggles into success with a revolutionary new approach to raising children with ADHD.

    Children with ADHD are no strangers to frustration – and neither are their parents. Raising kids with ADHD is a true struggle, especially when we can’t seem to “fix” the traits that we sometimes see as “broken.”

    However, when we praise focus, organization, and academic abilities as the most important skills, we lose sight of equally important things like intelligence, curiosity, and creativity. Our children need to focus on success, not on failure, and these are exactly the qualities that are the blessing of ADHD. When nurtured and encouraged, these children can do more than just manage – they can thrive.

    Author Zipi Kobrinski, a long-time ADHD coach and mother herself, encourages listeners to stop thinking about how our children can succeed despite ADHD, and start imagining just what they can achieve thanks to ADHD.

    Optimistic and down-to-earth, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success offers a refreshing approach to provide parents and professionals with practical tools such as:

    • How to create a supportive home environment for your child
    • How to embrace the gifts and advantages that come with a scattered mind
    • How to encourage children with ADHD to realize their full potential
    • And how to overcome the stigmas and turn struggles into success

    With decades of experience coaching children and families with ADHD, Zipi Kobrinski’s knowledge and expertise is a beacon of hope for any parent or therapist looking for a contemporary, effective approach to help children with ADHD reach their fullest potential.

    ©2023 Zipi Kobrinski (P)2023 eBookPro

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