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Couverture de At Death's Door

At Death's Door

De : John W. Mefford
Lu par : Jodie Bentley
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    It may be the land of paradise….
    ... But will greed and treachery poison a generation?

    The tectonic plates shift and a tidal wave of corruption engulfs the Big Island. The deluge of crimes is so ruthless that many run for cover--or pay the ultimate price.

    Hoping to enjoy the island's natural wonders, Alex and Ozzie instead find themselves in the crosshairs of an insidious gang. But a betrayal Alex never saw coming rocks her to the core. Can she get past it?

    People disappear and severed limbs start rolling onto the shore. The crimes must be exposed. But there's a group who will do anything to keep their secrets buried under the surface. Is it the perfect system for the rich and power-hungry?

    Alex won't stop until she uncovers the root of the evil. And despite the shock of a lifetime, she's left with only two options: save her friends and family from the savagery, or die trying.

    Will Alex survive the hell of Utopia?

    Alex Troutt Thrillers:

    At Bay - Book 1

    At Large - Book 2

    At Once - Book 3

    At Dawn - Book 4

    At Dusk - Book 5

    At Last - Book 6

    At Stake - Book 7

    At Any Cost - Book 8

    Back At You - Book 9

    At Every Turn - Book 10

    At Death's Door - Book 11

    At Full Tilt - Book 12

    ©2023 John W. Mefford (P)2023 John W. Mefford

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