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  • Astronomy

  • Cosmology, Photometry, and Spectroscopy Explained (3 in 1)
  • De : Arnoud Varens
  • Lu par : Jacob Simmons
  • Durée : 4 h et 54 min

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Couverture de Astronomy


De : Arnoud Varens
Lu par : Jacob Simmons
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    This book contains three topics, all centered around astronomy:

    1. Cosmology: Welcome to a journey through the depths of space and time, a voyage into the heart of the cosmos, and an exploration of the most profound mysteries our universe holds. This is a book about cosmology—a science that unveils the grandeur of the universe, its history, its structure, and its deepest secrets. It's a journey through the vast expanses of space, where galaxies collide, stars are born and die, and black holes lurk in cosmic shadows. But it's also a journey through the frontiers of human knowledge and imagination, where the quantum world meets the cosmic expanse.
    2. Photometry: In the vast expanse of the universe, where the night sky reveals countless stars, planets, and galaxies, the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Among the many tools at the disposal of astronomers and astrophysicists, photometry stands as a beacon of precision and insight. This book is your guided journey into the fascinating world of measuring and interpreting light in the cosmos.
    3. Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy, the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, may sound complex and esoteric, but at its heart lies a simple and profound idea: the colors of light can reveal the secrets of the universe. From the examination of distant stars to the analysis of molecules in a laboratory, spectroscopy is the key that unlocks the hidden stories encoded in light.
    ©2023 Jacob Simmons (P)2023 Jacob Simmons

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