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Couverture de Astral Messiah: Mission 6

Astral Messiah: Mission 6

De : J.S. Morin, M.A. Larkin
Lu par : Mikael Naramore
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    Some actions can't be undone. Some can, but shouldn't.

    With Astral Prime in chaos, Kendra hatches a desperate attempt to use forbidden alien technology to bring her lover back from the dead. As the struggle for control of the station unfolds, her efforts go horribly awry and plunge everyone into a strange and unfamiliar universe.

    Stranded in a desolate sector of an unknown universe, the citizens of the station cling to hope and ration their supplies of food, water, and medical essentials. But what hope can there be for rescue when even they don't know where they are?

    Astral Messiah is the sixth book in the Black Ocean: Astral Prime series. It hearkens back to location-based space sci-fi classics like Babylon 5 and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Astral Prime builds on the rich Black Ocean universe, introducing a colorful cast of characters for new and returning listeners alike. Come along for the ride as a minor outpost in the middle of nowhere becomes a key point of interstellar conflict.

    ©2018 J.S. Morin (P)2024 J.S. Morin

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