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Couverture de Assassin's Apprentice

Assassin's Apprentice

De : Scott Baron
Lu par : Eric Bryan Moore
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    Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Bawb knew he would face the latter far more often than the former. But this was his life now. His destiny.

    Surviving his indoctrination into the elite order of assassins had been a challenge unlike any he had ever faced in his young life. It had been brutal, violent, and painful, but he’d made it past those initial hurdles. If he wanted to excel, however, to reach his true potential, he would need something more—a competitive edge of some sort.

    Training under the watchful eye of one of the greatest assassins in the galaxy could well be just what he needed.

    The pressure would be immense—far more than he’d experienced before—and with every increasingly difficult task Bawb faced now came a greater likelihood of serious injury or even death. That was the trade-off. He was no longer a Null, the lowest of the low, and was climbing the ranks with such speed and skill that he even dared dream of one day becoming one of the Five, the secretive leaders of their deadly order. And with his new mentor’s guidance, he could very well reach his lofty goal.

    If he managed to survive.

    ©2024 Scott Baron (P)2024 Scott Baron

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